Friday, March 13, 2020

Maintaining Community in a Time of Crisis

I sent this e-mail to our congregation on Thursday, March 12th:

Chaverim - Dear friends,
I am reaching out to everyone during this very challenging time, as we all try to make sense of, and prepare for, the spread of this unknown coronavirus, COVID-19.

This e-mail is not about disseminating advisories or building information (though more of that will be sent out in the days and weeks ahead). I am including below some brief information about services and gatherings in the building, but please also click on these links for a hand-washing prayer and a prayer of healing at this trying time. In addition, I want to share with you some thoughts about patience, kindness, compassion – and also vigilance – at this unique moment in history.

There is a lot we don’t know. And it will take time to learn more. Let us strive to not act out of fear and frantic irrationality, but also not to dismiss the warnings and concerns. This balance is, and will continue to be, hard. Please make sure to take deep breaths, drink water, and - as much as possible - speak and move slowly enough to be thoughtful, prudent, and wise. Perhaps especially at a time of fear and misinformation, we need to affirm and live our values of love and compassion. This is when it REALLY matters.

Even if we cannot shake hands or embrace, Ohev Shalom is STILL a community! Whether we meet in person or not, or share food or not. We WILL continue to find ways to connect.

I am particularly mindful of those who are more at-risk or immuno-compromised, AND those who are bracing for financial ramifications from closures and quarantines. We are here for you. Ohev is your community; your rabbis and lay leaders are concerned, and none of us are alone in this.

If you want to talk, Rabbi Miller and I are here. If you need anything or have imminent concerns, please contact us, the office, or leadership. We will get through this. It may take time, but we CAN be patient. Let us all focus on being mindful and compassionate - with others AND with ourselves.

Hineini - I am here. Please reach out if you need support, and please take care of yourselves and others in your community. I look forward to speaking to you soon.

Warmest regards,

Rabbi Gerber

Dear Service Attendees,

As of Thursday, March 12th, at 10:00 a.m., Ohev Shalom will NOT be canceling any worship services, weekday or Shabbat. 

However, in an effort to protect all congregants and implement best practices during the concern about the spread of COVID-19, we are following the CDC’s recommendation of social distancing. 

All services will be held in the Main Sanctuary, and we encourage congregants to sit at a prudent distance from one another. We also ask that people not greet one another with handshakes or kisses, and – for now – we ask everyone to refrain from kissing the Torah, any Siddurim, or any Mezuzot. 

We also continue to urge everyone to wash their hands regularly, and/or to apply hand sanitizer.

May the Holy One give us the wisdom and good judgment to respond appropriately to this disease and heal those who have been infected. Thank you for your understanding and patience. 
Rabbi Gerber and Congregation Ohev Shalom

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