Right now we are beginning the fifth and final book of the Torah, Deuteronomy. In Hebrew, the

title of the book is "Devarim," which translates to "words." It's a logical title for the book, because it primarily consists of Moses speaking to the people; offering his final soliloquy before he dies. It's basically one long monologue, and I submit to you that if the people had ignored what Moses had to say, if they didn't take his charge to heart, Deuteronomy would certainly have become empty words on a page. As a people, we could never have survived, and someone would one day dig up a copy of Deuteronomy and put it in a museum, as a last remnant of a long-since dead civilization.

But the Israelites did NOT ignore Moses' advice. They turned his "Devarim" into the "Aseret Ha-Dibrot," the "Ten Commandments." The two words come from the same root, and indeed the Ten Commandments are "just" words until we put them into action. Instead of dying out, Judaism became a religion of doing, a people of doers, who put the Torah at the center of their existence. And as a result, we have remained as a people for over 3,000 years.
In every generation we need to remind ourselves of these "words," because we are constantly facing new threats. Today is no different. Right now, we must raise our voices toward Israel, and turn our words into action by speaking up against injustices committed against non-Orthodox Jews in Israel, and subsequently throughout the world.

The Knesset is about to pass the Rotem bill, which further solidifies the Orthodox courts' monopoly on religion in Israel, by stating that all conversions fall under the authority of the Orthodox courts. Furthermore, this comes only months after a woman was attacked for wearing tefillin in Beer Sheva, and days after another woman was arrested for carrying a Torah near the Western Wall.

How can we tolerate these things? We must speak up. We must force the Israeli government to realize that many within the ultra-Orthodox community are vicious bullies who must be stopped. Our words can become as powerful as Commandments, if we act upon them. Please join this essential campaign, and make your voice heard as well. Here's how you can get involved:
- Click on the links in the text above to learn about the latest issues.
- Click here to sign a letter and send it to Prime Minister Netanyahu
- Join a conference call at 11 a.m. eastern time on Friday, July 16. Rabbi Steven Wernick will speak about ongoing developments. The call-in number is 712-432-0075 and the participant code is 558680. (Please note that this is a toll call, and standard long distance rates apply, but it's to western Iowa, not Israel.)
Thank you for your support!
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