Monday, March 23, 2020

Coronavirus Check-in - Blog as Community-Engagement Tool

Dear all,
I was not able to manage a blog post last week; I was honestly just feeling too overwhelmed by all the craziness swirling around the coronavirus pandemic outbreak, and all the extreme (and seemingly draconian) measures that we have already had to take to protect ourselves. I am still reeling somewhat - as I'm sure we all are - and I am not sure what this new reality holds for us. What will our day-to-day look like; in a week, a month, a year?? How will this affect our congregation, our country, our environment, our world?? Clearly, there are no immediate answers, and some of us are having a harder time than others acquiescing all forms of control or planning at this time. Sooo, what now?

Well, the first thing I want to say is, our community has moved online. We have no choice, and whether you're a fan of, or expert at, using technology or not, we all have to get used to this... at least for now. We could be here for a while... Here are some Ohev resources that are up already:

- Zoom!! We're holding morning minyan (prayer services) on Zoom, as well as Bible class, Hebrew School, story readings for kids, and adult learning. The main link to our Zoom account is:

  • You can also call from ANY cell phone or even landline to connect; just dial 646-558-8656 and use the Meeting ID: 253-838-2425
- Facebook Community Board and (coming soon) Facebook Live. If you're not already on Facebook, this might be a good time to create a VERY rudimentary account, just so you can stay connected. And if you're not already on our community board and want to be, let me know!

- YouTube Channel - Also coming soon. But we do hope to put up videos from our calls, as well as educational content and funny/silly videos to help us all cope with our current predicament.

And then, there's this blog. I certainly intend to keep using it for weekly Take on Torah messages on the Torah portion. But in addition, I'm wondering if there are other things you'd like to learn about? Can I post (short!) videos with topics of interest? Should I write a little about this moment in time, and lessons from our Tradition, responding to calamity? Let me know what might interest you. That's it for now, but I'm be back on here again VERY soon. In the meantime, stay safe, wash your hands, and please make sure to take care of yourselves and your loved ones. 

Bye for now,

Rabbi Gerber

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