Thursday, January 16, 2020

L'Chaim newsletter article, January, 2020 - Gotta Collect ‘em All

This year, Ohev Shalom is all about our Centennial. We look back at 100 years since our synagogue was incorporated in Chester, and ahead to (hopefully) another century or more of growth, spirituality, and forging deep, new connections. You may have already seen information about this, but I wanted to take a few minutes to highlight a participation opportunity that is about past, present, future, and connecting to something incredibly ancient and holy.

According to Jewish Tradition, the Torah contains 613 commandments. The book itself doesn’t list them by number (or provide a helpful index at the back…), but later rabbis and scholars counted them, and that’s the number we’re all going with. Many still apply today, though somewhere between 100 and 150 refer specifically to the Temple and sacrifice, so they are unfulfillable, at least until (God forbid…) we someday try to rebuild a Temple in Jerusalem. So, admittedly, none of us are aiming for a perfect score of 613, and yet I still want to tell you that the very last one, Commandment #613, is within your grasp right now, this very month at Ohev Shalom.

In Deuteronomy 31:19, just three chapters before the end of the whole Torah, God commands Moses to write “this” down. The original intent may be unclear, but this verse becomes the basis for the mitzvah, incumbent upon all Jews, to write their own Torah. Crazy, right? Handwritten, with a quill, ink, and parchment; it is ludicrous to think that each of us could EVER write such a thing!! But on Sunday, January 5th, and then again on Sunday, the 19th, Ohev will be hosting a sofer (scribe) who will be completing the writing of a Torah Scroll. And each of us can dedicate one or more letters, appoint the sofer to be our emissary, and thereby “write” a part of a scroll. I know it’s not the same as ACTUALLY writing it, but it’s pretty close, it fulfills the commandment, and with a scroll as precious as this particular one, I think you’ll agree that a professional really NEEDS to be doing all the writing!

You see, this is our Lostice Scroll, rescued from a small Czechoslovakian town and thus avoiding Nazi destruction during World War Two. The scroll itself is at least 150 years old, possibly 200 or more. It has been on permanent loan to Ohev for 40 years, and for four decades our community has yearned to make it kosher again, because the damage it sustained 70 years ago made it unusable in services. And who knows when it had last been cleaned or had letters corrected back in Lostice?! So the work we are about to complete now, in January, 2020, thanks to the incredible generosity of Phyllis and Alan Schapire, is likely a century in the making. Much like our Centennial.

I know I sound like an infomercial when I say this, but this kind of opportunity doesn’t come around very often! This is perhaps a once-in-a-lifetime deal!! You may not be holding the quill or putting the ink directly onto the parchment, but you would 100% be participating in a phenomenal mitzvah! It is Commandment #613, an ancient charge handed down l’Dor va-Dor, from generation to generation, for millennia. This is a scroll that was rescued from the horrors of the Holocaust, and is one of the last fragments of a community whose legacy is now our responsibilty to carry on. And the symbolism of rededicating such an invaluable piece of Judaica on this, our Centennial, seems to me like the most perfect embodiment of past, present, and future, of legacy and heritage, holiness and spirituality, and a chance to be part of something eternal and enduring.

And all this could be yours, for the low-low price of… :-) You’re not gonna want to miss this one, folks. I guarantee it.


Rabbi Gerber

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