Shanah Tovah! Happy New Year, everyone!
I hope that you all enjoyed your High Holiday experiences, whether here in Wallingford or wherever you are around the world. In light of how little time there was between the end of Yom Kippur and this upcoming Shabbat, I am unfortunately going to have to leave you without a blog post yet again. In lieu of writing something for parashat Haazinu, I am including a link to my High Holiday sermons, so you can see that I really have been busy! :-)
In addition, I am proud to inform you that this Shabbat morning we will be concluding three years of studying Pirkei Avot, the Ethics of Our Fathers. It's a pretty momentous occasion for Ohev Shalom, and it coincidentally coincides with the last week of our Torah cycle, as next week is Sukkot and then we go back to reading the first chapters of the Book of Genesis! In honor of our siyyum (conclusion of study), I share with you the final Mishnah (teaching) of Pirkei Avot:
11. Everything that the Holy, Exalted One created in the world, was created
solely for God's glory. As it is written (Isaiah 43:7): "All that is called by My
name, I created it, formed it, and made it for My glory." It is further written (Exodus 15:18): "Adonai shall reign forever and ever."
Shabbat Shalom!
Rabbi Gerber
Friday, September 28, 2012
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Vayeilech: Please wait... Recalculating...
As you might imagine, I'm pretty busy these days. I tell
people that the High Holiday period is for rabbis what tax season is for
accountants. Mayhem. So I hope

On Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, we switch out our regular,
everyday prayer book, the Siddur, for a fancy new High Holiday book, called the
Machzor. And considering that we try to get through
I want to share a thought with you for these High Holidays.
This Machzor is kind of like a GPS. That's right, just like the one you have in
your car. The prayer book and the GPS both give you directions. Just as a GPS
tells you when to turn where, how long to stay on this road or that highway,
how much traffic is ahead, how fast you should be going; so too, the Machzor
instructs you when to sit, stand, beat your chest, listen for the shofar, turn
to page such-and-such, etc.
But like a GPS, this book doesn't know all. Most of us have
love/hate relationships with our GPS, because it gets things wrong sometimes.
The GPS proudly announces that you've arrived at your supposed destination,
your vacation hotel, yet your car is sitting outside an

One final thought. While we're on the subject, Rosh Hashanah
itself can ALSO be a GPS. Our entire lives are odysseys, excursions along
various highways and local roads, some familiar, some entirely foreign. Some
are scary, and some are exhilarating. And sometimes

Take advantage of this opportunity for recalculation, and
you may yet find yourself eventually arriving safely at your destination.
Shanah Tovah!
Photos in this blog post:
1. A very shofar-focused Rabbi Gerber, from a photo shoot with Pat Crowe.
2. Mahzor Lev Shalem, posing dutifully in the Ohev Shalom sanctuary.
4. Just a blank page that's trying to refocus...
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Nitzavim: Hitting Your Stride In Time For The Holidays
I write this post, the Phillies seem to have miraculously gotten their groove
back (though by the time you read this, they may be slumping again…). Who would
have thought they’d be in the hunt for a Wild Card spot? Yet here we are. And
one of the images that’s

and Moses are bringing it all together this week, summing up all the teachings
of the Torah in these final, fleeting chapters. In chapter 30, verse 15, Moses
declares: “See, I set before you this day life and prosperity, death and
adversity.” And he follows it up with a
of us has one, but the decision to listen to it or fight it is entirely up to
us. The rabbis share a fascinating midrash, a story, about the Evil
Inclination: “In The Time To Come [The end of days], the Holy One, blessed be Adonai,
will bring the Evil Inclination and slay it in
the presence of the righteous
and the wicked. To the righteous it will have the appearance of a towering
hill, and to the wicked it will have the appearance of a hair thread. Both the
former and the latter will weep; the righteous will weep saying, 'How were we
able to overcome such a towering hill!' The wicked also will weep saying, 'How
is it that we were unable to conquer this hair thread!' (Sukkah 52a).
thing that fascinates me about this midrash is that it seems reversed. I
would have thought the evil impulse would seem tiny to the righteous and huge
to the wicked, yet here it is the opposite! And it made me realize that it’s
all in our own minds.

Photos in this blog post:
1. Image courtesy of Rabbi Gerber's iPhone.
2. The part of 'heaven and earth' will be played today by the view from the Pearlstone Retreat Center in Maryland. Courtesy of Rabbi Gerber's iPhone.
4. Image courtesy o Rabbi Gerber's iPhone and 80's night at CBP!
Headline News,
Weekly Portion
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Ki Tavo: When You're Looking For Maximum Effect...
How do you leave a lasting impression? Is it possible to take something that's meaningful to us TODAY, and turn it into an enduring symbol, creed, or monument, that will remain forever?

Moses is in the middle of lecturing the people about staying faithful to God's commandments. He yells at them, cajoles them, pleads with them - all of which clearly demonstrates how important this is TO HIM, but will it remain deeply embedded in the minds and hearts of the Israelites for generations to come? At one point, Moses and the elders of Israel instruct the people:
"As soon as you have crossed the Jordan into the land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall set up large stones. Coat them with plaster and inscribe upon them all the words of this Teaching [Torah]" (Deuteronomy 27:2-3). The way my mind works, I have to stop here and ask a few questions: 1) Are we writing THE ENTIRE teaching on these plastered stones? That sounds like a lot of work! 2) Who is maintaining these stones? 3) What happens in 50 years, or 100 years, or 500 years, when the plaster starts to fade? Is there a Large Stones Fund set up as an endowment to cover the cost of repair?
I see what Moses was TRYING to do. He wanted to fashion something large and imposing to perpetually remind the Israelites of their commitments to God. But the things we build - even the large and imposing ones - break down; just ask anyone working on the upkeep of a 50-year old building...
What is REALLY permanent isn't the physical structure, it's the teaching itself. When we impress it upon ourselves, our hearts, and pass it along to those who come after us, that is when the Teaching really endures. The 19th Century Torah commentator, the Avnei Nezer, wrote about this when he quoted the Book of Proverbs, chapter three, verse three: "Write them on the tablets of your heart." Avnei Nezer says that our Torah portion isn't really talking about giant obelisks covered in plaster, it's talking about us, you and me, and the work of committing our lives to the Torah, and the Torah to our lives.
So what was Moses talking about? Why not just say that in the first place! Moses was a pretty smart guy, I think he knew all of this from the outset. If you follow his instructions in chapter 27, shlepping that rock up to the top of a mountain, slathering it with wet plaster, then carving all of these words onto it, you WILL learn something.
You'll watch it age and chip away and fade, and you'll realize that even something amazing as that monument will eventually disappear. But we will still be here. We will still be teaching our children the words of our tradition, and we will continue to inscribe these words on our hearts and in our lives. And I don't think you'd realize all of that if you didn't first try to make it work with that giant, stupid boulder. Sometimes the High Holidays are like that big boulder. You go through all the motions, sit through the services, long for something to eat, and in the end realize that the real work wasn't being done on the outside, it took place inside you. And THAT has staying power.
Photos in this blog post:
1. CC image courtesy of William Beutler on Flickr
2. CC image courtesy of cdaltonrowe on Flickr
4. CC image courtesy of jasleen_kaur on Flickr
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