Friday, April 30, 2021
Emor: Sometimes it’s hard to Sanctify
Friday, April 23, 2021
Acharei Mot-Kedoshim: Proud Nomads.
1. Gideon on Flickr
3. Pic of Czech Jewish family, courtesy of artist Judith Joseph
4. Baltimore Jewish Times
Friday, April 16, 2021
Tazria-Metzora (repost from 2010): A New Perspective on Society, Sickness, and Strive
A side note before I send you on to my writing from 2010. The “young man” I mention in my blog recently spoke at Ohev Shalom, for this year’s Yom Ha-Shoah (Holocaust Remembrance Day) program. Back then, it was his first interview with a Holocaust survivor; he has since formed relationships with two others, and has told their stories as well. If you would like to see the recent Ohev program, you can find a recording of it here:
On to the post from 2010!

Friday, April 9, 2021
Shemini: Redefining “Kosher”
Friday, April 2, 2021
Pesach, Post #613, and a Poem Against Hate
I'm going to pause my own writing at this time, and instead share with you a poem written on behalf of the Asian-American community. This piece was written by the Jewish poet and liturgist Alden Solovy:
For the U.S. Asian Community:
Oh people of conscience,
Cry out.
Cry out against hatred and anger.
Cry out against violence and oppression.
Cry out against the rising tide of brutality against
Our Asian American brothers and sisters.
Author of life,
Source and Creator,
Grant a perfect rest under Your tabernacle of peace
To the victims of the massacre
In Atlanta, Georgia,
Whose lives were cut off by violence
In a rampage of aggression beyond understanding.
May their souls be bound up in the bond of life,
A living blessing in our midst.
May they rest in peace.
G-d of justice and mercy,
Remember the survivors and witnesses of this attack,
Witnesses to shock, horror and dismay.
Ease their suffering and release their trauma
So that they recover lives of joy and wonder.
Grant them Your shelter and solace,
Blessing and renewal.
Look with favor, G-d of love,
Upon Asian American communities throughout the land,
And all communities targeted for violence.
Grant them Your protection.
Remember them with comfort and consolation.
Bless them with wholeness and healing.
Heavenly Guide,
Put an end to anger, hatred, and fear,
And lead us to a time when
No one will suffer at the hand of another,
Speedily, in our day.
To donate in support of and solidarity for our fellow citizens, the Asian-American community, please check out:
ADL's support for the #StopAsianHate campaign
#StopAsianHate GoFundMe Campaign