into 'High Holiday mode,' writing sermons, planning services, and generally freaking out (more or less). So with that in mind, I have been working on my own sermons, and have been mulling over a particular question, which I also posted on Facebook. I would like to repost that question to you all here, but with the added bonus of sharing with you all the previous answers people have submitted (thus far).
So the next thing you'll be reading is the post I put up on Facebook, and then the wonderful responses I've received. I would like to invite you to do one of two things:
A) Post your own response; after all, this IS Take on Torah (as in, what is YOUR take on the posts I've been writing?). Or B) Please feel free to comment on someone else's submission. Which ones resonate with you? Which ones (if any) do you find particularly poignant/beautiful/provocative? I'd love to hear what you have to say! So here goes:
Ernest Hemingway is rumored to have authored a short story in just six words, and challenged other authors to do the same. His sad, little story went: "For sale: Baby shoes. Never worn." Tragic, but so powerful!

What about Judaism? Can you summarize what it means to be Jewish, to you, in six words? I've taken a crack at it, here are a few of my attempts:
1) Questioning is in our blood. Why?
2) Reinterpreting the Bible since 1,500 BCE.
3) We've got a holiday for that...
4) Ask good Jewish questions every day
And here are some wonderful submissions from other people:
5) Conceived 1939 Poland. Born 1939 Uruguay
6) We suffered, we survived, let’s eat!
7) Empty seats in the Sanctuary. Why?
8) Just like mom used to make
9) Try it, you may like it
10) Judaism is very much about food
Your turn. :-)
Photos in this blog post:
2. CC image courtesy of One Way Stock onFlickr