Friday, September 18, 2020

Shanah Tovah!

I wasn’t able to get a new blog post put together for/before the holiday, I apologize. But I will make sure to upload all my sermons (even Torah reading introductions!) here on the blog, as soon as Rosh Hashanah is over. Then I’ll add the Yom Kippur sermons next week.

In the meantime, I wish everyone a most Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year. We wish each other all the blessings of love, joy, peace, and connection that we share every year, and of course add so very many more blessings on top of them for this year of firsts. We pray that next year will look a bit (or a lot!) more like previous Rosh Hashanah celebrations, rather than this one. We pray that we all get to the other end of the pandemic able to look back and reflect on how crazy this was... even though right now we need to stay focused on doing what we can to just get OUT of it first!

And we hope and pray for our leaders to make good and wise and compassionate decisions about the election, the climate, and the economic distress experienced across the country and our world. And if they can’t or won’t do it, we pray for new leaders!

All of this is to say, Shanah Tovah, dear friends. We have each other, and we will persevere and go on thriving afterwards. As my wonderful sister, Nomi, likes to say: “I’ve got you, and you’ve got this!” 😄😄 

🍎🍯🍏❤️ Happy New Year! 🍎🍯🍏❤️

Rabbi Gerber 

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