Friday, September 18, 2015

Yom Kippur: Q and A-ha!

I apologize for not writing a blog post for this Shabbat. I invite you to read last year's post on this parashah. You can find it here. Right now, I am in the midst of preparing for Yom Kippur, which begins on Tuesday night. If you'd like to read my sermons from Rosh Hashanah, they too are posted here on the blog. You can either scroll down to read them, find them in the "blog archive" on the right, or click on these links:

Sermon for the First Day of Rosh Hashanah

Sermon for the Second Day of Rosh Hashanah

My sermons for Yom Kippur will be added to the blog next week, if you'd like to read them as well. For now, I wanted to invite you to participate in our High Holiday conversation. On Wednesday afternoon, between the Mincha (afternoon) service and the Neilah (concluding) service, I'll be answering people's questions about Judaism. Last year, we discussed many interesting topics, including the history of Conservative Judaism and the theological problem of the Holocaust. Whether you are able to join us or not for the actual service, I am curious if you would like to pose any questions for me to discuss, which I am then happy to share here on the blog as well. If so, feel free to write it in the comments' section of this post, or send me an e-mail at to share it directly.

Thanks so much for reading my blog, whether you've been following for six (yikes!) years or are a newbie. I wish you all a Shanah Tovah u'Metukah - a Happy, Healthy, and Sweet New Year, and I look forward to writing to you again next week.

Warm regards,

Rabbi Gerber

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